Our Beliefs
Kingdom Over Culture
Everything we believe, think and do is based on God's revealed word, which is authoritative, adequate, and perfect. Value My Soul Ministries believes that the Bible is the last word on all questions of faith and practice within the Christian church and life, and it is meant to be read by people of all ages. When it comes to prayer, we choose obedience over personal choice, and we pray as an offensive rather than a defense. We do not initiate and direct the movement; instead, it is the Holy Spirit. Having discernment and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit with unwavering devotion generates the fruit of transformation that God intends for us. The Christian life is a sacrifice in which we put God first, denying ourselves so that we could live for Him. Our life should be devoted to worshiping and praising God and relying entirely on the Lord via prayer as a proper response to His incredible love for us. The church does not exist apart from its worship and prayer; they are integral.
Foundational Beliefs
Belief accomplishes something incredibly powerful when times are tough: it keeps your vision alive and fortifies your resolve. Because of the hardship you face, you get stronger. This strength is accomplished with a strong belief in God and trusting His plan and will.
We believe there is only one triune God, the creator of heaven and earth, who has no beginning and no end and exists in perfect union as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He unquestionably possesses the qualities of holiness, justice, mercy, and unwavering love and faithfulness. In order to carry out the will that he has set, he is completely sovereign, possesses complete knowledge of everything, and searches every heart.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God. He possesses the same power and authority as the Father. Jesus led a morally sinless existence as a human being and willingly surrendered Himself as the spotless sacrifice to atone for the transgressions of humanity, ultimately succumbing to death on the crucifix. After a period of three days, Christ was resurrected to reveal his dominion over sin and death. He now sits in the majesty of heaven, but he will come back to Earth one day to reveal to the world that he is, in fact, the one and only true King, Lord, and God of all.
Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is responsible for convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He resides inside all those who turn away from their sins and put their trust in Jesus Christ. He serves as our seal and assurance that we will be redeemed. Christians can conduct their lives faithfully and obediently because of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible
We believe that the Scriptures, including the Old and New Testaments, are of divine origin and were written by human authors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures encompass the most comprehensive manifestation of God, his will for salvation utilizing the historical narrative of Israel and the Son of God Jesus Christ, and the authoritative standard for all aspects of Christian existence and belief. The Scriptures are without error in their original manuscripts and incapable of failing to achieve their intended purpose. They are unequivocally genuine and reliable, guiding all Christian connections with God, one another, and Creation.
We believe that salvation is earned only by the grace of God through trust in Jesus Christ alone. Jesus Christ paid the punishment for our sins by His death on the cross and resurrection on the third day. Jesus has reconciled us to God the Father for all eternity by his sacrifice, and cannot be taken away.