Many may claim that all religions are the same, but the truth is that they are not the same. The claim that all religions are the same is usually based on the fact that they all teach ethics somehow. However, the problem with claiming that all religions are the same based on the teaching of ethics is not a solid foundation to support this claim. Other religious doctrines only teach a person to make better personal decisions based on ethics. In contrast, Christianity, on the other hand, burdens the Creator to help make those ethical decisions for the believer through the guidance of His Holy Spirit. Christianity is the only religion that proposes that all humans are spiritually dead initially, which leads to unethical behavior. But through Christ alone, one can become spiritually alive again (John 3:5). It is through Christ's sacrificial death and resurrection that one can become spiritually alive (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. - John 14:6
One of the main differences between Christianity and other religions is that Jesus made it clear that no one can receive salvation by any other means except through Him (John 14:6). Jesus did not leave room for other religions and their teachers as another way to salvation. But what is surprising is that other religions recognize Jesus as a good teacher, rabbi, or a great historical man. Either way, nothing in Scripture gives honor or mentions any other religious leader in any way. If anything, Jesus warned about others coming and presenting a different way to salvation (Matthew 24:4-5).
Don’t all religions lead to the same God? As mentioned in John 14:6, Jesus boldly states that He is “the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” This passage alone makes it very clear that all religions are not the same and there is only one way to the true God.