The birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are at the center of Christian religion and belief. Christianity may be defined as the set of beliefs and practices surrounding these events, which Christians refer to as the Gospel.
The Christian faith adheres to a monotheistic worldview. Christians believe that there is only one triune God and that this God created the heavens and the earth. This divine Godhead is composed of three parts: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, together referred to as the Trinity in theological terminology.
Eight primary pillars of Christianity must be understood.
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
The Bible
God the Father
God is everything, including being all-powerful, all-knowing, always present, unchangeable, perfectly Holy, and deserving of our love, faith, and devotion. It is because of Him that we are able to exist. He is a wonderful Father. He is kind, sympathetic, and devoted to His people and the promises he has made.
God the Son (Jesus)
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is both God and fully human. His death on the cross functioned as a sacrifice instead of the just penalty we deserved for our sins. His sacrifice fulfilled our obligation owing to sin. Through his victory over death and his resurrection from the grave, Jesus demonstrated to us that he was, in fact, God. His sacrifice was done with our benefit in mind. He prepared the only way for humanity to enter eternal paradise, giving us hope in this life.
God the Holy Spirit
The presence of the Holy Spirit provides us with reassurance about our connection to Christ. He teaches believers everything there is to know about the truth, which is Jesus Christ. People who hear him are convicted of their sins, the righteousness of God, and the imminent judgment. Every individual is drawn to God by the conviction of the Holy Spirit; believers are empowered to live holy lives; and followers of Christ are empowered with spiritual gifts for a life of effective service via the work of the Holy Spirit. When we are in a difficult situation, he not only consoles us but also gives us sound advice.
The Trinity is one of those aspects of God's nature that human beings will never be able to comprehend fully. However, it is abundantly clear from what we can determine from Scripture that God has always existed throughout all of eternity. Although each person of the Trinity is responsible for a distinct set of responsibilities, they are all equally powerful and authoritative. The Holy Trinity is seen to be one entity that manifests itself as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
It was always the plan for man to live forever. Everyone will spend eternity either separated from God because of their sins or in close communion with God as a result of the atonement for sin and deliverance offered by Jesus Christ. The punishment for spending eternity separated from God is known as Hell. Heaven is having a close, personal relationship with God that lasts forever. Heaven and Hell are absolutely real, eternally existing realms.
God chose to create man in his own image, and he considers man to be the pinnacle of his creative and affectionate endeavors. God's original intention when creating man was for there to be an intimate and fruitful connection between the two of them. The sinful disobedience of the first man (Adam) resulted in the separation of mankind from God and the termination of their relationship with Him. The spiritual debt that was incurred as a result of sin is something that affects all people on earth today. Consequently, it is impossible for man to have a good relationship with God through his own efforts. Jesus' death on the cross was sufficient payment for the spiritual debt that was incurred as a result of sin. Only through faith in Jesus is it possible to receive forgiveness for one's sins. Those who believe in Jesus and choose to follow Him have been restored to a proper relationship with God due to Jesus's sacrifice on the cross.
Jesus' death on the cross is the only sacrifice that can appease God's wrath toward sin. Repentance, healing, and forgiveness were all made available via the door Jesus opened. People can only be saved if they put their confidence and trust in the death and resurrection of Christ as a sufficient payment for their sins. Salvation is a gift from God, and it is not something that we can work to earn in any way.
The Bible
The Holy Bible is the inerrant and infallible Word of God to humanity. Human authors wrote it, yet they were led and guided by the Holy Spirit supernaturally while they wrote it. Because God, who inspired it, gave it to us, the Bible is absolute truth and has no room for error. It is also completely applicable to our daily lives.